Monday 25 May 2015

Green Devil IPA

When I saw that Oakham Ales comes from Peterborough, I was initially excited to see another new edition to the Ontario craft brewing scene. However, I second glance told me that this Peterborough is in England. Still, new beer to try! Green Devil IPA is a clear golden brew that pours with a slight layer of white head that didn't last long enough even for me to photograph. I had a 500mL bottle in my backyard on a chilly day after a week of false spring weather.

Green Devil has a bitter nose that has citrus notes and which is really quite tinny. The flavour doesn't offer much up front, but does transmute into a very pleasing back end, with juicy fruit notes and a curt, semi-dry finish.

This beer finishes beautifully, but it lacks the assertive opening note needed to provide overall balance. I liked it, and I'll almost certainly buy it again, but it frustrated me because it was a near miss of something special. Not wasted potential, exactly,   since it tastes pretty good, but certainly a missed opportunity. It's also a bit too metallic for my tastes.

Rating: 7.0 out of 10.

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