Sunday, 16 June 2019

Beau’s ESB

Beau’s ESB comes in some rad 473mL cans emblazoned with a collection of vehicles on a royal blue field—spiffy stuff. Born in Vankleek Hill, Ontario to Beau’s Brewing Co., the extra special bitter is an organic 5.6% English-style ale. It’s a bronze brew topped with a sudsy cream head.

To my sniffer, Beau’s ESB has a bready, caramel, and malt-heavy nose. For flavour, the beer starts sweetly, with caramel and toast kicking things off. The back end wanders into bitter territory, with a sludge of treacle and brown sugar to shut the door.

Rich and deep, Beau’s ESB is a nice take on the British fave. It’s a bit too big and too sweet for a classic ESB, but I liked it anyway.

Rating: 7.5 out of 10.

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