When my ol' pal WFM returned from his honeymoon in Belgium, he came home
with a sixer of Westvleteren 12, reputed to be the best beer in the
world. Lucky me, I got to enjoy one 12 oz bottle of the stuff because my
friend is magnanimous. At 10.2%, this brew is a hefty tripel. It's a
hazy rusty ale that pours with a thick, creamy head. It comes from
Sint Sextus Abbey in Vleteren, in West Flanders, Belgium.
doesn't have a powerful aroma, but it has some serious subtlety, with
notes of raisin, rich yeast, and some tart cherry. The flavour, though,
isn't the least bit tart. It's very smooth, with yeasty, malty, and
sweet, with raisin notes. Remarkably, the alcohol (10.2!!!) is barely
detectable--brilliantly masked.
While I don't
think I'd class it as the best in the world, W12 is a pretty damn tasty
ale. It's very rich, criminally easy to drink, and strong as fuck. The
flavour is extremely nuanced and compelling. Down to the lack of a
label, this beer is unpresumptuous, letting the flavour do the talking.
Rating: 9.0 out of 10.