my glass, the beer proved to be a hazy orange-brown grog, and poured
with a hefty layer of creamy head. This unfiltered IPA was cloudy and
desirable, with a decidedly fruity scent--bitter, but with loads of the
promised tropical notes. To my tongue, this little rascal was more
fruity than it was bitter. It had some IBUs to be sure, but not enough
to set the dial spinning like Boneshaker by Amsterdam or even Muskoka's
Mad Tom. Along with the hops came something gently floral, which I found
to be a welcome addition. The finish had some hops but was well
tried a few brews from Big Rig, I feel safe in saying that their Alpha
Bomb is their superior ale. It's quite lovely. Not exactly the hop bomb I
wanted, but well constructed and tasty.
Rating: 8.5 out of 10.