Another beer from Bath, Ontario's utterly respectable, farm-based
Mackinnon Brothers Brewing Co., 8 Man English Pale Ale is a 5.8% alcohol
brew, housed in 473mL cans. Those pale blue aluminum sheaths feature an
image of a mustachioed English rugger, seemingly taking advantage of a
break in the action.

8 Man is a handsomely hazy ale.
It has a ruddy chestnut brown colour and pours with a blanket of dense
eggshell head. Its aroma presages a balanced ale, boasting a healthy
measure of roasted malt notes superimposed over a faint but hard to
ignore hops layer. True to its pedigree as an English-style pale ale,
this little number focuses more strongly on the malt portion of the beer
equation than does its North American brothers and sisters. Nicely
roasted and rich in caramel notes, this malty, slightly sweet front end
is where 8 Man really shines. Toward the close, there is a nod to
bitterness, but it feels little more than perfunctory,
admit that, just as I prefer football to rugby, I am typically more
pleased with hops-heavy American/Canadian style pale ales than brews
that ape the maltier English style. However, this charming offering from
the Mackinnon Bros. left me feeling sated and impressed. 8 Man English
Pale Ale is most certainly worth checking out.
Rating: 8.5 out of 10.
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