It's a dull, golden ale. It's only slightly cloudy and pours with a healthy white head. It has a grainy, slightly sour aroma. The flavour is very mild. I was expecting to be overwhelmed by the cranberries used in brewing. However, the tart flavour was only mildly noticeable as a bitter accent in the back end. In fact, when I toured the brewery and we sampled this stuff, several of my fellow tour patrons couldn't taste the cranberry at all.
This beer is low on booze and quite light tasting. particularly in the early going. It definitely pick up a bit toward the end, though it does remain pretty thin.
Without the subtle cranberry essence, this would have been a rather forgettable wheat beer, but that tart twist gives is some charm that makes it well worth trying.
Rating: 7.0 out of 10.
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