Wednesday 15 May 2019

Interstellar IPA

According to its copy on the 473mL cans, Interstellar IPA was made to honour Oumuamua, which is “the very first interstellar object ever detected in our Solar System and discovered by Londoner Rob Weryk in 2017.” Given that the beer is brewed by Forked River Brewing Company, I suspect that the Londoner is likely from London, Ontario—the home of Forked River.

The beer is a 6.5% potion sold in 473mL cans. It has a faint amount of haze, a plush off-white head, and a dull gold colour. Interstellar has juicy peach and tangerine notes on the nose and a flavour that’s fruity off the jump and transitions into a sticky, resinous finish.

Interstellar IPA is a flavourful ale. It is a bit too sweet, initially, and it could be a bit stronger, but the dank finish really provides the illusion of greater heft. Also, Forked River has included a helpful list of suggested food pairings (Southern BBQ; mild Indian cuisine; and shawarma fries), which is a decent touch. I’m not always a fan of suggested pairings, but this one works for me because it goes the extra step and extrapolates on why BBQ makes a good match.

Rating: 8.0 out of 10.

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