Saturday 15 August 2015

Jutsu Pale Ale v3

I bought a 500mL bottle of Jutsu Pale Ale v. 3 on July 24 and consumed it on July 26. According to the sticker on the bottle, Toronto's Bellwoods Brewery created this stuff on July 22. I just love fresh, local ales! I'm living in a golden age.

According to a note on the Bellwoods website, Jutsu is an American pale ale. Apparently, they're trying out a variety of slightly different recipes (hence the v3) before they settle on a champ--I also had a bottle of v4, and should really have compared them side-by-side, but I got thirsty! 

Anyhow, the v3 iteration of Jutsu poured cloudy and honey-hued, with a cap of loose off-white head. It had an assertive and engaging aroma rich in tropical fruit notes and suggestive of crispness. Indeed, crisp is one of the best adjectives I could come up with to describe this particular brew. It is lusciously fruity, with tropical notes leading the charge, and plenty hoppy without being alienating. The website doesn't seem to list an IBU level, but I'd peg it as around 45-50. My only complaints are with the short, dry finish, which is nice, but a touch anemic. Otherwise, a stellar offering from one of my very favourite breweries in Canada.

Jutsu v3 is a smashing little brew. It isn't the overall winner that lays claim to the Jutsu crown, I'd like to see it continuing under a different moniker. This stuff is too good to scratch!

Rating: 8.5 out of 10.

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