Wednesday 13 March 2013

Schloss Eggenberg Doppelbock Dunkel

Schloss Eggenberg Doppelbock Dunkel is a strong beer out of Vorchdorf, Austria.  It's brewed by Castle Brewery Eggenberg, sold in 33omL bottles, and chalk full of booze to the tune of 8.5%.

This doppelbock dunkel is a deep, reddish brown colour with moderate carbonation and a thin layer of eggshell head.  It has a sweet, malty aroma with, just as the label advised, a slight coffee charge. It has an understated but purposive malty body. It's fairly rich, with some brown sugar notes.  The label prepared me for a bitter finish, but in my opinion, the flavour remains malt forward through the end. There is some considerable boozy heat, but not much alcohol taste--that makes this brew surprisingly easy-drinking.

This quality brew makes for some quality sundown sipping. It's sweet without being too sweet, unlike some other doppelbocks. A bit more of the promised bitterness would have balanced things nicely, but this is definitely a nice, dark lager.

Rating: 8.0 out of 10.

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