Shawinigan Handshake pours a brassy golden colour. It's slightly cloudy and topped with a thin layer of off-white head. The aroma is both sweet and quite hoppy with what I thought was a slight ginger note. The flavour is a compelling blend of wheat beer sweetness and bitter IPA bombast. It moves from sweet to bitter with notes of fruit in the initial sip. This quickly gives way to a highly bitter, boozy body. There is a curious flavour combo of banana sweetness and serious hops dryness. Additionally, there is a slight smokiness and a very dry finish. I'd love to know what the IBU count of this stuff is. It actually tastes stronger than its 7% alcohol content.
I would definitely recommend giving this stuff a try. It's a very interesting hybrid brew, and one that is well crafted.
Rating: 8.0 out of 10.
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