Wednesday 18 July 2012


This hefe weissbier claims to come from the world's oldest brewery. The year on the bottle is 1040--venerable.  Weihenstephaner is sold in classic 500mL bottles. It contains 5.4% alcohol. It pours a cloudy, bright orange colour with a mighty bloom of white head.  Even with a gentle pour, this beer takes a while to get into a glass.  There's a constant risk of overflowing.  The aroma is very yeasty--bready with a dollop of fruit.  I was put in mind of freshly peeled bananas.  The yeasty flavour is accented by banana sweetness, while the aftertaste is slightly sour with just a hint of bitterness.
This beer goes down a treat and is an undeniably welcome addition to a sunny afternoon. The yeast and wheat give it bready qualities, but the flavour is much more nuanced than that.  On the next sunny day, get thee to a beer store and enjoy a cold one.

Rating: 8.5 out of 10.

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