Smoke on the Porter is, as you'd expect, a smoked porter. It's a
Torontonian ale, built by the raccoon-mad folks at
Bandit Brewery. Sold
in sharp 500mL bottles, this ale contains the standard 5% alcohol--a
little light for the style, perhaps, but adequate.
poured with a dismally thin layer of off-white head--a bit
discouraging. If I had to guess, I'd say that this stuff had been
sitting in the cooler at Bandit's bottle shop for a bit longer than it
should have been. It's aroma was quite inviting though, with smoky malt
notes and a whiff of leather. As for flavour, malt was the driving
force, backed with a smoky tang that offered a bit of mystery. In terms
of mouthfeel, SotP was fairly thin, which wasn't quite to my pleasure.
It's finish was agreeable, though, with a blend of lingering smoke and
bitter molasses.
My forays into Bandit's
offerings have been largely positive, but I was a bit nonplussed by
Smoke on the Porter. It had some delightful elements, but the overall
product was a bit wanting. Still, I'd be willing to try it again, lest I
picked up an unrepresentative bottle. For a smoked beer, there wasn't
the assertive campfire warmth that I was pulling for. Coupled with a
thin mouthfeel, this is a beer that, though promising, needs some fine
Rating: 6.5 out of 10.