Saturday 25 January 2014

Hellwoods Imperial Stout

Hellwoods Imperial Stout is a badass brew from Toronto, Ontario's Bellwoods Brewery. Sold in 650mL bottles and packed with a daunting 10% alcohol, this tar black brew pours with a vibrant tan head. It has a dark malt aroma with elements of molasses, dried fruit, hops, and tobacco. The flavour is formidable. Its chief notes are fig and raisin in the front end and powerful hops at the finish. Beneath that, there are whispers of fresh tobacco and bitter molasses. It has a very thick, creamy mouthfeel--almost syrupy.

Another winner from the excellent brewers at Bellwoods. This shit is strong.  It tastes boozy and the alcoholic burn lingers after each sip.  And trust me, this stuff is for SIPPING. As a huge, full-bodied ale, Hellwoods will appeal to fans of complex, strong brews. 

A word to the wise: Don't drink this stuff on an empty stomach.  I wasn't wise ...

Rating: 9.0 out of 10.

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