Friday, 26 October 2012

Nickelbrook Headstock IPA

 The Better Bitters Brewing Co. out of Burlington, Ontario makes this tasty India pale ale. Headstock IPA comes in a loud (some would say irritating) 473mL can. It clocks in at a healthy 7% alcohol and pours a hazy orange-brown colour.  Headstock is topped with a thick and persistent tan head and leaves behind lots of nice lace.
It has a hoppy aroma that blends pine and floral notes. It's a hop forward IPA with a flavour that is both pungent and floral. There are some malty, caramel undertones. The added sweetness was pretty nice. There was a tiny bit of sediment left in my glass, but that's really a minor complaint (Editorial note: I had a second Headstock more recently, which was sediment-free). Headstock is surprisingly guzzle-able for a potent IPA. The high alcohol content is brilliantly cloaked. In spite of the garish packaging, I'd definitely buy this one again.

Rating: 8.0 out of 10.


  1. Just did a blog post on this one, should stick it up tomorrow. Did you find this was a little similar to pumpkin spice? Really like how full bodies it is.

  2. I can't recall trying their pumpkin spice, but I definitely dug it's full flavour.
