Thursday, 8 November 2018


A member of Bandit Brewery’s YY* Series of milkshake pale ales, YY*>PMI is flavoured with cantaloupe. A 6.2% alcohol ale from Toronto, the beer comes in 500mL bottles with a chilled out surfer raccoon hanging ten on the label.

The beer itself is a hazy golden brew that pours with an exacting amount of off-white head. Sure enough, PMI has a nose that alludes to cantaloupe, with sweet and fresh aromatics draping a veil across light hops sensibilities. The initial flavour is all melon and sweetness, with lots of fruity goodness. However, as the beer starts to warm, that sweetness becomes a touch cloying. My recommendation is to drink this beer cold and quickly—perhaps it’s best shared. The back end is slightly bitter, but not hopped quite enough to balance out the sweet front end. The milkshake-y nature of this beer certainly does provide a nice texture though.

The novelty (at least for me) is a cantaloupe beer makes this one worth trying, and I thought it was executed reasonably well. After all, that particular melon has a pretty bashful flavour compared to some other fruits, and this beer managed to get it to sing. Sadly, is sang a bit too loudly in the sweetness department. 

Rating: 7.0 out of 10.

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